Kedron Parker
Kedron at the install of Fish Lovers and their Eggs at Inanga Love Park
Kedron Parker is a Wellington based artist exploring nature in the city.
Parker's practice is collaborative and includes the sound work Kumutoto Stream, The Wet Index with Bruce McNaught,
the Water Sensitive Urban Design Study Group, Hello Pigeons with Adam Ben-Dror, the Atratoi installation Sanctuary,
and the ongoing environmental restoration project Inanga Love Park with Paula Warren and Stu Farrant.
Suite of Three Photos for the Shared Lines Exhibition:
Inanga, Love, Park (2018)
On the banks of an abused stream, fish lovers want to spawn.
Where water meets the motorway, we created the conditions for love.
The three image series Inanga, Love, Park explores the connections between the artist’s personal life and her work co-creating and developing the Inanga Love Park art and restoration project. Blending documentation, autobiography and fiction, these images provide a window into an intricately linked set of parallel events that have impacted the artist during the project’s development.
Parker's suite of three 24"square colour medium format photos creates a narrative and communicates an imperative that works both at human and scientific level. While the photos document efforts to restore the landscape and create a fertile place for wildlife,
they also allude to the human need for the same things - both physically and psychologically.
Building on the significance of the project’s name, the three pieces respond to a different word in the title: “Inanga,” “Love,” and “Park”. This allows the viewer to explore the meaning of each aspect of the project literally and figuratively,
from a perspective that is not just ecological but also highly personal.
Back in 2016, it was audacious to name this somewhat dangerous, trashed out gully a Love Park.
Slowly, in time, it has become one.
Inanga Love Park was created by Paula Warren, Kedron Parker, and Stu Farrant as a commissioned work for the 2017 Common Ground Hutt City Public Art Festival, and is supported by the Growing Places Charitable Trust and the Korokoro Environmental Group.
Kedron would also like to acknowledge the generous support of the Coastal Restoration Trust and
Brew Moon Brewing Company, Amberley.